What can we do for you?
Your idea or business problem

You or your company have an idea to reduce costs, automate processes, take control of your business or simply to innovate in the way you do business.
Our talent and experience

We can make your ideas come true and satisfy your business needs through the development of business applications, both for web and mobile environments, quickly, safely and easily!
We put at your disposal our experience and talents to support your initiatives and become your strategic partner to properly exploit the most innovative and advance technologies, give us the opportunity to prove it!

What is a Framework?
This is a question we get from most people, the best way to respond it is this!
Let's imagine you are a business person who needs 2 new buildings, one for offices and the second one is going to be an appartment building. In this project you will require at least one architect and one civil engeneer. In the real world, the architect will have to deliver 2 different designs, and the civil engeneer will have to construct 2 buildings, from the ground up. This requires double investment in soil analysis, foundings, etc.
In the real world you can not avoid this double investment in time, effort and resources, but in technology project you can do that!. How? Developing your project using a Framework, in which you invest only once in the functions and features you require for your work, and then reuse them as many times as you need. This will be the structure of the buildings we used in our example!
Still with doubts? We will try to make it simpler and graphic with the following sequence of images and additional explanation:

Preparation of foundations
This stage is critical in the construction of buildings, as it allows to distribute the weight of the structure in the area on which it will rest, and that should not exceed the weight that this soil is able to support, otherwise, the whole structure would be in danger to collapse.
In computer systems, this stage is equally critical, as it will determine if the system that will be developed, will be able to support all the required functions, and must be flexible and robust enough to allow the system to adjust to changes or requirements of the environment in which it will be used.

Construction start
The construction process of a building can take from months to years depending on the complexity of the project.
In computer systems, this situation is similar, the design process is critical and the construction process can take a long time, months and even years, and therefore big IT projects should be addressed in stages.

Construction process
During the construction process, whether of buildings or computer systems, problems arise, and they need to be addressed and solved in a timely manner to prevent projects from suffering delays or cost overruns, but there will always be problems during the process. The work of the engineers, is to solve them and prevent them from generating impact on the project.

Construction process
As we have tried to illustrate in this example, the terms used in both worlds are very similar, there are engineers and architects of buildings and systems, those who design and build are equally important throughout the process.
The mission is to finish the process of building the structure to support the final product expected by the client, whether it be a building or a computer system.

Structure completed!
Well, after completing the construction process of the foundations and the structure that will support the building, it is ready to begin the process of completion of internal and external details according to the use that it will be given. This will involve floors, false ceiling, windows, internal walls, space distribution, amenities, etc.
In systems this would be what is known as Look & Feel, or the interfaces with which the user will interact with the system, as well as other support functions for the application to meet the objectives drawn during the design.

Framework Copy & Paste!
This, in real life is impossible!, every building must go through all stages of design and construction, from the soil study and foundations to complete the structure.
In computer systems, this is possible! And is what is achieved through the Framework. When building a Framework, it inherits all the capabilities and functions that are normally required by most projects, functions that can be reused, and that is where the power of a Framework resides, since it facilitates the development process and considerably reduces the complexities and development times of final systems.

Application creation
Although each project is different, regardless of its complexity and scope, relying on a Framework allows it to be adjusted to the needs and requirements of each project, even if a project is more extensive and complex than the Framework itself, or simpler and requires less effort in its development.
Domino Soft, offers its customers a powerful and flexible Framework for business application development in web environments and for mobile devices based on iOS and Android platforms. Tell us about your project, we can help you make it come a reality!

What is "User Experience"?
Well, we have explained what a Framework is in the last section, now, we know that a Framework is the Structure of software applications, but, what happens with the architect's work in the buildings? Their work is related with what people will see or with what they will use or interact with, that's the User experience or simply UX.
The user experience is generally related with the graphic interfaces in a system or software, but this concept is more important and complex because they have these objectives:
everything the user needs has to be available, and everything available has to be of use to himFramework + UX = 
Our Framework allow us to offer a good structure and a good user interface for your company's business applications. Do you have an idea or project that you wish or need in your company? Don't waste more time and contact us, we can help you!
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